Grab Your FREE Scorecard Assessment.

Assess Your Foundational Wellness

Take Charge of Your Fundamental Health with my Scorecard

Be 100% for Yourself so you can be 100% for others.

Enter Your Details Here and I will it over!

Why do I need this scorecard?

Scoring your wellness provides valuable insight into your overall health, helping you identify areas that may need improvement. By prioritizing self-care, you not only benefit yourself but also enhance your ability to care for others. Leaders, parents, and individuals often prioritize the needs of others, neglecting their own well-being in the process. With this scorecard, you can assess where you stand and build a sturdy foundation for a balanced and fulfilling life.

How does it work?

  • Enter your details above.

  • Check your email.

  • Download your scorecard and read through it.

  • Grade Yourself.

  • Write Actions steps.

  • Take it again in 90 days.

Who is this for

This scorecard would be beneficial for anyone looking to prioritize their well-being and improve their overall health. It's really useful for leaders, coaches, parents, caregivers, and individuals who often prioritize the needs of others over their own. By using this scorecard, YOU can assess YOUR current wellness and take steps to create the results you want with your spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental health.

HEY HEY! Leisa Jenkins here

Your Growth & Mindset Coach

Here's the honest truth: You are no good to anyone else if you're not good to yourself.

Download this assessment and let's see how you're doing! What do you have to lose?

Have more questions? I have answers!!

How Do I Know This is Right for Me?

This Wellness Scorecard is an asset for everyone and it's FREE so what do you

have to lose?

Can I print more than one or share with others?

Yes! Let's change the world together! Invite someone to do this with you! I want to empower the world and I would love for you to give to others; however please send them to to grab their own copy. I want to make sure I have them on my list just in case they want more awesome stuff or have questions for themselves. Let me help you impact your friends, family and teams.

How can I connect with Leisa?

Hey rockstar! Leisa here!! I love to chat. I want to hear from you. Email me personally. [email protected] or jump in my Facebook group. I absolutely promise to message you back, well unless is SPAM! HA!

What if I need more?

I have many coaching programs, masterminds, training and more along with many free resources and memberships. I have made sure I can provide for your needs.

Get started today!

In two minutes or less... You will be on your way to creating a solid foundation for yourself! All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions